2019, installation, performance, soundtrack, dissected entertainment center, mask, 30min
The performer sings four songs live over a prerecorded audio track while she explores a dismantled and converted entertainment center. The lyrics of the songs were written from interview fragments. In the interviews, people were asked about the relationship to money and how it influences their self-esteem. The different songs have different themes, for example, one song talks about two boys and how they invented tricks to get free food because their parents couldn´t provide for them while another song explains the basic principles of systems of exchange according to Marx. The work fuses musical elements of pathos and humor with more abstract performance elements, like improvising with props on stage. The work is initially about improvising with the meaning of the text and on the other hand talking about the reality of people’s lives in the US.
excerpt from first song:
I experience a lot of rejection based on how I see and express myself and that makes me feel I am authentic I don’t control my body as much as I like to
I love sleeping, I love sleeping
I was never told that I need money either
smile more smile more
how the fuck can I
when you come from money you have the ability to fail
I love sleeping
I want someone to pay for me to make whatever I want
I am so sorry to be late I hope that I am still getting paid
stop acting like you are broke
If I don’t have money I cant be creative
I want many lovers that are attractive and have money
you can derive power from choosing possessions that accurately reflect you and then you can attract other things into your system
maybe this is a method of control
I way to protect myself
I like to delude myself
I was never told that I need money either
I want someone to pay for me to make whatever I want
As a job, I try to find something where I don’t wanna kill myself immediately
maybe I am just lazy and that’s my excuse
I sleep during the day and stay up all night
The whole jail thing truly, a lot of it is just about being caught
you could do all these things and not get caught.
If you take someone and put him in a room and tell him that the colors are different they are going to grow up learning that, that’s just how it is.
I look at someone that is robbing a bank and is getting away with it and I say –
I like your shoes, I like your shoes can you introduce me to your friends
I think everyone can get everything they want it is just a matter of attitude
oh my god well done let’s have lunch
I am so sorry to be late I hope that I am still getting paid
stop acting like you are broke